Embodiment on earth

But many of us have interpreted Jesus’ ascension and enthronement to mean it is now time to get to work, living in light of what Jesus already taught us.
We’re convinced that what matters now is not for Christ to appear to us, but for Christ to appear in us, among us, and through us.

p. 182, chapter 36, we make the road by walking, Brian D. McLaren


Fellowship is a kind of belonging that isn’t based on status, achievement, or gender, but is based on a deep belief that everyone matters, everyone is welcome, and everyone is loved, no conditions, no exceptions.

p. 175, the uprising of fellowship, we make the road by walking, Brian D. McLaren.

Four heart movements

Pray in secret through four movements of your heart.
First orient yourself toward a caring yet mysterious God.
Second align your desires with God’s great desire for a just and compassionate world. Third bring to God your needs and concerns both physical and spiritual.
Finally, prepare to enter the public world of temptation and oppression, trusting God to guide you and strengthen you.

p. 146, Chpt 31, The Choice is Yours, We Make the Road by Walking. Brian D. McLaren

Galatians 6:2

Bring ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

Bertha Mae Lillenas

Bring your load of doubts and fears.

All the burdens of the years.

you may meet your savior and his blessings share.

Bring your troubles not a few, Jesus will your strength renew; Leave your burden at the place of prayer.N