Bigger picture

When we struggle to see purpose in our lives and cannot see how things will ever work together, let us remember that even when we cannot see, God knows the bigger picture and he is not done with us yet.

Hope for Today, Sara Perry, 2020


No wonder Jesus needed that time of preparation in the wilderness. He needed to get his mission clear in his own heart so that he wouldn’t be captivated by the expectations of adoring fans or intimidated by the threats of furious critics. If we dare to follow Jesus and proclaim the radical dimensions of god’s good news as he did, we will face the same twin dangers of domestication and intimidation.

p. 94, chapter 20, we make the road by walking, Brian D.!McLaren.


Jesus coming of age (with John)

One word summarized john’s message: repent, which meant rethink everything, or question your assumptions, or have a deep turnaround in your thinking and values.
His baptism of repentance symbolized being immersed in a flowing river of love, in solidarity not just with the clean, privileged, superior us – but with everyone, everywhere.

p. 88, chapter 19, we make the road by walking, Brian D. McLaren


The kingdom or commonwealth of god that Jesus constantly proclaimed was characterized by an abundant, gracious, extravagant economy of grace, of generosity, of gift-giving. “It is better to give than to receive.” Jesus taught, and his followers came to understand Jesus himself as a gift expressing god’s love to the whole world.

p. 82, chapter 18, we make the road by walking, Brian d. McLaren


A new day begins with sunshine. A new year starts with lengthening days. A new life begins with infant eyes taking in their first view of a world bathed in light. And a new era in human history began when God’s light came shining into our world through Jesus.

p.79, chapter 17 a, we make the road by walking, Brian d. mclaren


When we look at the way of love, which is the way that the lord leads us, we can be encouraged that everything we are learning and doing in this life is covered by grace. We don’t need to get it right to be righteous – he’s already done that work for us. There is room in his love to make mistakes as we walk in his way.

Hope for Today, Sara Perry, 2020

Matthew’s Point

Jesus isn’t entering into a pristine story of ideal people. He is part of the story of Gentiles as well as Jews broken and messy families as well as noble ones, normal folks as well as kings and priests and heroes.
P. 76, We make the Road by Walking, Brian McLaren

Matthew 27:22

What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?

We too are called to make a response from our hearts when we meet Jesus.
Vernon Zeiset, Barnett, MO
Beside the Still Waters, Vol 28, issue
What will you do with Jesus?
Neutral you cannot be.
Someday your heart will be asking:
What will he do with me?